Our original school opened in 1891 and is in a beautiful rural setting in Gortnaghey Village, four miles from the town of Dungiven. The current building opened in 1983 and we enjoy a bright and well equipped school in lovely surroundings. It is a ‘community school’ active in the heart of the community and is locally referred to as ‘the best little school in Ireland!’
The school has a long and proud history and the staff endeavour to live up to our reputation as a child centred school, which ensures that each pupil achieves their potential in a nurturing, caring and faith based environment.
Currently the school caters for 77 pupils with a teaching staff of 5; they are enthusiastically supported by six Classroom Assistants, Caretaker, Secretary and a School Meals Supervisor.
St Mary’s Gortnaghey P.S. is a co-educational school catering for pupils from 4-11 years. It is proud of its caring, happy and friendly ethos and we work closely with parents and the local community. The school has ‘state of the art’ equipment with computers, IPads and interactive whiteboards in each classroom and a fully equipped, modern ICT suite.
The school grounds are spacious and well maintained and provide a stimulating environment for play and recreation. Primary One and Two children have access to a bright and stimulating Outdoor Structured Play Area and Dynamic and Gym area on the school grounds. The school also has access to the Community Centre and Gortnaghey Play Park.
The school is well supported by the community, the local parish and St. Colm’s GAC, Drum. Sport plays a significant part of the curriculum and ensures healthy and active pupils. We are fortunate to receive funding for Extended Schools programmes and participate in a successful Shared Education programme with two local schools.